Unhappiness is a misunderstanding.

Less is more?
  • Unhappiness is a concept
    Unhappiness is a concept
  • Simple Words
    Simple Words
  • You are the Christ [Awareness]
    You are the Christ [Awareness]

An attempt to debunk decades of unhappiness:

  • Unhappiness and lack are concepts.
  • “The only truth in the manifestation
    is the impersonal sense I AM,
    all the rest are concepts.”
  • Concepts are mental images, not the thing itself.

  • What am I right now, prior to mind?
  • What is the direct experience, before a me-story?

  • Working mind: Practical concepts and conditioning for daily living.
  • Thinking mind: Psychological identity and investment, the root of suffering.

  • As a personal/separate “me” I erroneously believe that happiness/fulfillment is dependent on person, place, thing, relationship.
  • Pleasure and pain are circumstantial, suffering is attitudinal.

  • Am I alone amongst 8 Billion “others”, or am I lost in my own mind…
  • What am I absolutely certain about?
  • I am, there is something rather than nothing.

  • Do I live in ideas (personhood) or in reality (Presence)?
  • I don’t need to define myself in order to be.
  • Psychological fear and doubt is mind-stuff, is a misunderstanding.
  • Three legitimate uses of the mind:
    • to celebrate life,
    • to be practical,
    • to share.

Thank you for your help:
How to make this shorter, simpler, more fun?

Unhappiness is a concept

Do I live in ideas (personhood) or in reality (Presence)?


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