Unhappiness is a misunderstanding.

Less is more?
  • New & Old Mind
    New & Old Mind
  • Magdi’s Basic Wisdoms
    Magdi’s Basic Wisdoms
  • Unhappiness is a concept
    Unhappiness is a concept
  • Simple Words
    Simple Words

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Holger: The following are gems of love and wisdom, shared by Magdi, bundled by Ai.

I suggest to read very slowly, to not cause mental diarrhea. The words are pointers, concessions to language.

Each point could be its own book, endlessly:

Awakening is not the accumulation of more information.

Sharing amongst friends inspires and nurtures a deep practical visceral understanding.

  • Awareness is the fundamental reality: The source emphasizes that awareness, also referred to as consciousness, is the primary reality and that it is formless, borderless, and universal. It is the unchanging ground of all experience. You are this awareness.

  • You are not your body or mind: The source repeatedly states that you are not the body or the mind. These are seen as temporary and limited forms that appear within awareness. Thoughts and feelings are appearances within the spaciousness of awareness.

  • The illusion of separation: The sense of being a separate individual, a “me,” is an illusion. This illusion is the root cause of suffering.

  • The nature of perception: Everything that is perceived appears within awareness. The perceiver and the perceived are ultimately one.

  • The importance of “I AM”: The recognition “I AM” is a key to understanding your true nature. This understanding is beyond mental definitions. The ‘I’ refers to the one reality, consciousness. “I AM” refers to universal Being/Reality and not to a personal being/reality.

  • The present moment: The present moment: The present moment is the only reality as Consciousness/Awareness. Past and future are mental constructs. You can find wholeness in the present moment as I am nothing and everything, I am no one and everyone.

  • Freedom from suffering: Awakening to your true nature frees you from unhappiness, negative emotions, and the sense of limitation. Problems arise from ignorance of your true nature and believing yourself to be a personal suffering entity.

  • The nature of thoughts: Thoughts are fleeting appearances in awareness. The mind is a movement of consciousness which in reality does not move. The mind is conditioned by the past and can be repetitive. You are not defined by your thoughts.

  • The nature of silence: Silence is the heart of stillness and peace. Silence permeates all things, like the intervals between the notes in a symphony. At the heart of all activity is stillness.

  • Letting go: Letting go of the past, of personal narratives, and of the need to hold on to things is crucial for finding freedom. Worries are opportunities to explore the reality of that which worries and to let go.

  • The end of personal desire is Ananda: The recognition of your infinity and totality is Ananda. Seeking Ananda ceases once truth is revealed.

  • Trust in Being: Trusting being and presence is important. You are the home that you seek.

  • Impersonal living: Living impersonally, guided by wisdom rather than conditioned thinking, leads to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • The importance of understanding: Experiential understanding of your true nature is what liberates you. The journey is about an understanding of the self, of truth, of reality.

  • The nature of love: Love is the recognition of the one self, of oneness. It is not a sentiment, but your true self. The entire spiritual journey is about happiness and love.

  • Death as an invitation: Death is an invitation to let go and to understand what you truly are. It is an opportunity to die right now and be free from the belief in separation and limitation. Without Love, the body is a corpse.

Magdi’s Basic Wisdoms

These wisdoms are interconnected, all pointing to the same core understanding of your true nature as formless awareness, which is beyond the limitations of the body and mind.


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